12 April 2022

23 February 2018


Tak ada dapur khas utk apam balik x semestinya x boleh buat apam balik..cukup bahan, ada pan & paling penting tahap kerajinan yg tinggi pun dh bleh buat dah 😂😄

Buat sndiri sng boleh letak inti lebih 👍.

Resepi sy sertakan disini (dapat dalam 5 keping)

2 cwn tepung gandum
1/4 cwn gula
1 sudu teh soda bikarbonat
1 sudu teh baking powder
1 biji telur
1 ½ cwn susu cair / full cream
½ sudu kecil garam
Sedikit pewarna kuning


-Ayak tepung, baking powder dan soda bikarbonat.
-Pukul telur dan gula guna wisk/garfu sehingga sebati..gula x perlu larut sgt. Masukan susu dan pewarna..teruskan kacau sehingga sebati.
-Masukan tepung dan kacau sebati sehingga adunan licin dan tak berketul..(sy tapis)
-Perap selama 1 jam

Bahan tabur/ inti :

Kacang tanah di blend (goreng dulu)
1 tin jagung
Gula secukupnya


- Panaskan pan non stick dan sapukan sedikit planta..
- masukan 2 senduk aduan dan ratakan keliling..tabur gula dua sudu makan dan tutup pan..nk manis boleh letak lebih gula..biar sehingga adunan masak..(kalau ada lubang2 atas tu maknanya adunan menjadi)
- Tabung kacang tanah keseluruhan apam balik..planta dan jagung letak separuh bahagian mcm dalam gambar.
- Lipatkan dan siap..


Kalau kuali melekat..ambil kuning telur sahaja dan masak dalam kuali tersebut sehingga masak..ambil tisu dan tonyoh telur tersebut di permukaan kuali..telur jadi hangit pun xpe..insha allah kuali x melekat dah 😃

Sya'ir Imam asy-syafi'i: "Merantau demi Ilmu"

شعر الإمام الشافعي

Al-Imam asy-Syafi’i berkata dalam syairnya

ما في المُقامِ لذي عقلٍ وذي أدبٍ مِنْ رَاحَة ٍ فَدعِ الأَوْطَانَ واغْتَرِب,
tidaklah berdiam di tempatnya orang-orang berakal dan beradab, dari rehatnya dia berpisah dan dari negerinya dia mengasingkan diri
Berdiam diri, stagnan, dan menetap di tempat mukim, sejatinya bukanlah peristirahatan bagi mereka pemilik akal dan adab maka berkelanalah, merantaulah tinggalkan negerimu (demi menuntut ilmu dan kemuliaan)
سافرْ تجد عوضاً عمَّن تفارقهُ وانْصَبْ فَإنَّ لَذِيذَ الْعَيْشِ فِي النَّصَب
Merantaulah, engkau akan menemukan pengganti yang telah engkau tinggalkan, berusahalah, sungguh kenikmatan hidup ada pada kerasnya usaha
Safarlah, engkau akan menemukan pengganti orang-orang yang engkau tinggalkan. Berpeluhlah engkau dalam usaha dan upaya, karena lezatnya kehidupan baru terasa setelah engkau merasakan payah dan peluh dalam bekerja dan berusaha.

إني رأيتُ وقوفَ الماء يفسدهُ إِنْ سَاحَ طَابَ وَإنْ لَمْ يَجْرِ لَمْ يَطِبِ
sungguh aku melihat diamnya air merusakkannya (air) , bila bergerak ia jernih, bila tak mengalir maka ia tak menyehatkan
Sungguh aku melihat, air yang tergenang dalam diamnya, justru akan tercemar lalu membusuk. Jika saja air tersebut mengalir, tentu ia akan terasa lezat menyegarkan. Tidak demikian jika ia tidak bergerak mengalir
والأسدُ لولا فراقُ الأرض ما افترست والسَّهمُ لولا فراقُ القوسِ لم يصب
dan singa yang tidak meninggalkan sarangnya takkan memangsa, dan panah yang tidak terlepas dari busurnya takkan mengena (sasaran)
Sekawanan singa, andai tidak meninggalkan sarangnya, niscaya kebuasannya tidak lagi terasah, ia pun akan mati karena lapar. Anak panah, andai tidak melesat meninggalkan busurnya, maka jangan pernah bermimpi akan mengenai sasaran
والشمس لو وقفت في الفلكِ دائمة لَمَلَّهَا النَّاسُ مِنْ عُجْمٍ وَمِنَ عَرَبِ
dan matahari yang bertetap di ufuk, tentu akan menjemukan manusia, baik dari ajam (non arab) maupun arab
Sang surya, andai saja selalu berada di ufuk, maka ia tidak akan memberikan manfaat sinarnya dan niscaya ia akan dicela manusia
والترب كالترب ملقى في أماكنه والعودُ في أرضه نوعاً من الحطب
dan biji emas tak ada bedanya dengan biji tanah saat tercampur di tempatnya, kayu gaharu terserak di tanah pun serupa dengan kayu bakar
Bijih emas yang masih terkubur di bebatuan, hanyalah sebongkah batu tak berharga, yang terbengkalai di tempat asalnya. Demikian halnya dengan gaharu di belantara hutan, hanya sebatang kayu, sama seperti kayu biasa lainnya
إن تغرَّب هذا عزَّ مطلبهُ وإنْ تَغَرَّبَ ذَاكَ عَزَّ كالذَّهَب
bila kau pisahkan biji emas dari tanah, maka mulia dia dan dicari, bila kau pisahkan kayu gaharu dari kayu bakar, ia akan seharga emas
Andai saja biji emas masih menyatu dengan tanah maka ia tidak akan menjadi logam mulia yang begitu dicari, dan andai saja gaharu tersebut keluar dari belantara hutan, ia adalah parfum yang bernilai tinggi.

Kredit: http://pustakasilebah.blogspot.my/2013/10/syair-imam-asy-syafii-merantau-demi-ilmu.html


Orang berilmu dan beradab, tidak diam beristirahat di kampung halaman..
Tinggalkan negerimu dan hiduplah di negeri orang..
Kau kan dapati pengganti dari orang-orang yang kau tinggalkan..
Berlelah-lelahlah, manisnya hidup kan terasa setelah lelah berjuang..

Aku melihat air menjadi kotor karena diam tertahan..
Jika mengalir, ia kan jernih..
Jika diam, ia kan keruh menggenang..

Singa jika tak tinggalkan sarang, tak kan mendapatkan makanan..
Anak panah jika tak tinggalkan busur, tak kan mengenai sasaran..

Jika matahari di orbitnya tak bergerak dan terus diam..
Tentu manusia kan bosan, dan enggan untuk memandang..

Bijih emas tak ada bedanya dengan tanah..
Kayu gaharu tak ubahnya seperti kayu biasa jika terus berada di dalam hutan..
Jika bijih emas memisahkan diri, barulah ia menjadi emas murni yang dihargai..
Jika kayu gaharu keluar dari hutan, ia kan menjadi parfum yang bernilai tinggi..

Rodent Tuber / Keladi Tikus

Place Your Order HERE

Common name: Rodent Tuber, Keladi Tikus, Tu Ban Xia or Lao Shu Yu
Botanical name: Typhonium flagelliforme

Rodent tuber is a herbal plant which grows up to 30cm in height. It has an oblong whitish tuber, triangular leaves ad a spathe. Rodent Tuber grows wild in wasteland and is native to the South East Asian countries. It is commonly used to provide relief in cough and asthma.

Rodent tuber plant is mild, tastes bitter and is slightly toxic. It can detoxicate, reduce swelling, get rid of boils and pus, stop bleeding, ease pain and is effective in the treatment of lymphatic problems. Farmers speak of this herbs’ effectivity in detoxification. Rodent tuber can cleanse the system of accumulated toxicity, ease urination and bowel movement and generally clean up the digestive system. Taking it would also increase one's appetite, improve health, revitalize the person who would tire easily.

As a medicinal plant, rodent tuber is also used as traditional remedy for treating different types of malignancy: breast, lung, colon, lymphoma, leukaemia and liver cancer.

Rodent tuber has shown ANTI-CANCER EFFECT on NCI-H23 cancer cell line by inducing apoptosis (Choon et al.,2008). It also demonstrates the inhibitory effect on CEM-ss Human T4-lymphoblastoid cell line (S.Mohan et al.,2008).

How does Rodent Tuber work in treating cancer ?

Cytological observation* on rodent tuber’s plant properties has shown: the cancerous cells responded when induced by various active compounds (DCM/F7, DCM/F11, DCM/F12, D/F21, D/F19, etc) of this rodent tuber’s plant extract. Some response took place in: cell shrinkage, abnormalities of cristae, membrane blebbing, cytoplasmic extrusions, DNA fragmentation and formation of apoptotic bodies of cancerous cells.

Rodent Tuber in cancer treatment

Rodent Tuber or Typhonium flagelliforme extract and other herbs combination help in the detoxification of the blood system. This formula contains ribosome in acting protein (RIP), anti oxidant, and curcumin. Together triggered cells may in turn produce mediators that stimulate and strengthen other cells of the immune system of the body to combat the cancerous cells. Since the growth of cancerous cells is reversible given the correct chemical stimulus and environment, this explanation is not far-fetched.

Typhonium Plus® formula traditionally used by cancer/tumor patients to combat breast, cervical, colon, rectum, liver, prostate, leukemia, lymphoma and lung cancer.

Typhonium Plus Registered with Malaysian Health Ministry

Suggested Usage:
Stage I - II, take 2 capsule 2 times daily after meal.
Stage III above, take 2 capsules 3 times daily after meal; or as directed by health care practitioner.

Typhonium flagelliforme/Rodent Tuber 80%, Andrographis paniculata 10%, Curcuma zedoaria 10% (in extract form)

Packing size:
Packing with 180 capsules.

- Two days after consuming Typhonium Plus®, you may feel stomach problem, little diare, faeces turn black and body feel fatigue.
- Sometimes patient may vomit after consumption, if this symptoms happened stop taking the capsule ,when you feel better, you can continue taking the capsules but reduce the dosage or consult with your medical practitioner.
- Pregnant women should not take these capsules

Typhonium Research
Typhonium Research 2
Typhonium Research 3

Disclaimer and Release of Liability

Our Main Principles
  • We do not substitute medical doctors. We advise you to seek proper medical help.
  • We advocate the use of natural herbal formula towards your healing.
  • We do not guarantee that the natural herbal formula can cure you of your cancer/tumor, but experiences of others showed that the herbs brought great relief and healing.
  • Healing can only come if you lead a healthy lifestyle, free of stress (physical and mental) and take proper food. Having peace of mind and to believe in God is just as important as taking herbs or the right medical treatment.

21 February 2018

Rodent Tuber - side effect

Any idea that rodent tuba can cure cancer?
Thanks for asking, G
If you Google around you will find Rodent tuber claimed as a “natural cancer treatment” in alternatives to medicine websites.
Here are some basic principles you should be aware of
1) Cancer is not one disease. Different cancers are different diseases so any treatment which claims to be able to “cure” all sorts of cancers should raise a red flag of quackery
2) There is no doubt some plants have chemicals which can kill cancer cells in the laboratory (indeed some modern chemotherapy agents are derived from plants e.g. vinca alkaloids and cisplatinum).
3) The “evidence” in many of the alternatives to medicine websites refer to these in-vitro studies but they are not clinical studies which are needed to show whether something works in humans or not.
3) Lots of things can kill cancer cells in the laboratory but it does not mean they will automatically translate into clinical benefit nor does it mean they are not harmless just because they are “natural”
4) It could well be if you ingest these plants with chemicals which kill cancer cells in the laboratory, you are basically ingesting “chemotherapy in a raw form”, in an uncontrolled and unregulated fashion.
5). Being raw and natural does not mean it is better. It could well mean a weak anti-cancer effect (unlikely to “cure” any cancer as claimed) or no anti-cancer effect at all.
6) Being raw and natural does not mean there are no side effects. In this web sitethere is the caution:
Two days after consuming you may feel stomach problem, little diare (sic), faeces turn black and body feel fatigue. Sometimes patient may vomit after consumption, if this symptoms happened stop taking the capsule ,when you feel better, you can continue taking the capsules but reduce the dosage or consult with your medical practitioner.
These symptoms basically sound like chemotherapy side effects. Faeces turning black is somewhat alarming as it could mean upper gastroinestinal bleeding. If it is a “raw form” of chemotherapy, the website rightly cautions against pregnant women ingesting it. There is no data what it will do to your blood counts, how it will interact with other anti-cancer agents or other drugs,  or any other documented side-effects, so caveat emptor.
Once again, just because something is “natural” does not mean it cannot harm or kill you.

Cancer Treatment with Rodent Tuber (Thyponium flagelliformis) Keladi Tikus

     Place your order HERE

Common Name: Rodent Tuber, Keladi Tikus (Indonesia), Lioshu Yu (Cina).

Scientific name: Thyponium flagelliformis

Rodent Tuber (Typhonium flagelliforme) is a plant that has white tuber, triangular leaves and petals shaped like a long slender white rats. Of its physical form, this plant is known as Rodent Tuber. This plant origin of Brazilian forests, but have now spread to many of the world.

This plant was first researched as a medicinal plant by experts from Malaysia, Prof Dr.Chris KH Teo, Dip Agric (M), BSc Agric (Hons) (M), MS, PhD who is also the founder of Cancer Care Penang, Malaysia. Since 1995 Prof. Chris Teo researching this plant, the results showed a mixture of extracts Typhonium Flageffiforme and other natural ingredients to help detoxify the blood tissues. This herb will get better when administered together with other herbal ingredients, such as bitter, white and pearl grass gathering. This herb contains a ribosome inacting protein (RIP), antioxidants and substances antikurkumin. Combination of the three substances in a mixture of these ingredients produces mediators that stimulate the strengthening of the cells in the immune system to inhibit cancer cells.

     Place your order HERE

Chemical substances contained in Thyponium flagelliformis

Reportedly contains saturated hydrocarbons and aliphatic acids

Ethyl acetate
It is known to contain aromatic fatty acids.

Phenylpropanoid glycosides, sterols, and cerebroside
Anti-hepatotoxic effects, reduce phlegm, anti-asthmatic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

Pharmacological studies conducted in rats also showed that extracts juice Thyponium flagelliformis able to prevent hepatocarcinogenesis (the growth of liver cancer cells). Thyponium flagelliformis helps detoxify the blood system and produces mediators that stimulate a strong immune system to fight cancer cells, such as lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer and blood cancer. For this reason, Thyponium flagelliformis also beneficial to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in cancer treatment. The content of active substance and dichloromethane in hexane plant is believed to inhibit the growth of cancer cells significantly, with almost no side effects because it is not cytotoxic to normal cells (non-tumorigenik). Thyponium flagelliformis even high essential amino acid known as arginine, an agent that maintains normal metabolism and growth of cells.

Suggestions of Use

Rodent tuber plants can be consumed in fresh condition (juice).
Usage is 3 times a day @ 50 grams of fresh plants (tubers and leaves)

Preparation of Rodent Tuber juice

     Place your order HERE 

Rodent Tuber Juice

Choose fresh rodent tuber crops as much as 50gr (total: consists of roots, leaves, roots). Select the sections that are still good (healthy) and washed thoroughly. Mashed with a stone mortar until completely blended. Avoid the use of tools, especially the easily corroded metal including aluminum.
Give enough water. Squeeze and strain. Rodent tuber juice ready to drink.

Rodent Tuber (Typhonium flagelliforme) should generally be taken for 3-6 months before you can see the effects of treatment. However, in some cases, there were a reported already seeing results in a shorter time. Typhonium flagelliforme can give side effects such as nausea, vomiting and black stools. Although generally it indicates that the effects of therapeutic work, if side effects are too large, you should stop eating for a while.

 Place your order HERE