12 April 2022

14 March 2019

Zikir Membangkitkan Hati

Dhikr of reviving the Heart: “Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum, la ilaha illa ant”

A saying of Ahmad b. Taymiyya which his student Muhammad b. al-Qayyim (Allah have mercy on both of them) relates in two of his books: Madarij al-Salikin and Tariq al-Hijratayn, in which he says that reciting “Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum, la ilaha illa antevery day 40 times after praying the Sunnah of Fajr and before the Fard “revives the heart” and “has an astonishing effect respectively.
Another Prophetic Supplication used by Prophet Yunus (a.s) for Trials Called Ayatul Cream or the Verse of Distress.
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “The supplication of my brother Dhun Nun (Yunus, peace be upon him), who called on Allah while in the whale’s belly: ‘There is no deity but You. Glory be to You! Verily, I have been among the wrongdoers’ (Quran 21:87) – no Muslim person says it, for any situation whatsoever, except that Allah Most High answers his call.” [Tirmidhi]

La ilaha illa Anta, Subhanaka, inni kuntu mina z-zalimin.
There is no deity but You. Glory be to You! Verily, I have been among the wrongdoers
Combining the secret of Dua of reviving the heart and Ayatual Cream as used by Qadiri-Noshahi tariqah: Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum with  La ilaha illa Anta, Subhanaka, inni kuntu mina z-zalimin.
Powerful Supplication for Trials, facing serious difficulties stress or afflicted in any worry or concern 
From the Secrets of Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum;
 This is a Hidden Qadiri-Noshahi Dua which I will share never ever before posted anyway were on the internet.

Note arabic typo-
Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum bi-haqqi La ilaha illa Anta, Subhanaka, inni kuntu minaz-zalimin
O Ever-Living, Oh Self-Existing for the sake of There is no deity but You. Glory be to You! Verily, I have been among the wrongdoers.

Litany of Al-Tirmidhi for "Protection of Faith"
Entreating the Divine between the Sunna and Fard of the Fajr Prayer
Ya Hayyu ya Qayyumu, ya Badi’as samawati wal ardi, ya dhal-Jalali wal Ikrami (Thrice)
O Ever-Living, O Self-Subsisting! O Primal Origin of the Heavens and the Earth! O Possessor of Majesty and Honour! 
Allahumma bi-hurmatil Hasani, wa akhi-hi, wa jaddi-hi, wa abi-hi, wa ummi-hi, wa bani-hi – najji-ni minal ghammil adhi fi-hi, ya Hayyu ya Qayyumu, ya dhal Jalali wal Ikram, as’aluka an tuhyiya qalbi bi-nuri ma’rifatika, ya Allahu ya Allahu ya Allahu, ya Arhamar rahimin (Once)
O Allah, by the sanctity of Imam Hasan, his brother [i.e. Imam Husain], his grandfather [i.e. Prophet Muhammad, Allah bless him and give him peace], his father [i.e. Imam Ali], his mother [i.e. Lady Fatima], and his progeny – deliver me from the sorrow that I am in. O Ever-Living, O Self-Subsisting! O Possessor of Majesty and Honour! I beg You to revive my heart with the light of mystical intuitive knowledge of spiritual truth [ma’rifa], O Allah! O Allah! O Allah! O Essence of Mercy!
As for mentioning ya dhal-Jalali wal Ikram this is a sunnah recite it abundantly.

 Some extra notes:

Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoom used in forgivness dua of  Sidi Ahmed ibn Idrisi's dua Istighfar al-Kabir-"The Magnificent Forgiveness"

Transliteration of Istighfar al Kabir:
Astaghfirullahal 'azim alladhi la ilaha illa hu, al-hayy al-qayyum
ghaffar adh-dhunubi, dhal-jalali wal-ikram
wa atubu ilayhi min jami'il-ma'asi kulli ha wal-dhunubi wal-atham
wa min kulli dhanbin adhnabtuhu 'amdan wa khata’a, zahiran wa batina, qawlan wa fi'la
fi jami'i harakati wa sakanati wa khatarati wa anfasi kulli ha da’iman abadan sarmada
min adh-dhanbilladhi a'lam wa min adh-dhanbilladhi la a'lam
'adada ma ahat a bihil 'ilmu wa ahsahul kitabu wa khattahul qalamu
wa 'adada ma awj adat-hul qudratu wa khassasat-hul iradatu wa midada kalimatillah
kama yanbaghi li-jalali wajhi Rabbina wa jamalihi wa kamali hi wa kama yuhibbu Rabbuna wa yarda.

Translation of Istighfar al Kabir:
I seek the forgiveness of Allah the Great, there is no god save He, the Living, Sustainer of Life, the Forgiver of sins, the Majestic and Generous. And I turn to Him in repentance from all acts of disobedience, and all sins and offenses. From every sin that I have committed intentionally and unintentionally, openly and in secret, in word and deed. In my every action and my every stillness, my every thought and my every breath, always and forever and eternally. From the sin that I am aware of and the sin that I am unaware of. To the number of all things contained in His knowledge, registered in the Book, written down by the Pen, and to the number of all that His omnipotence has created, and His will chosen, and as much as the ink of Allah’s words. As it befits the Majesty of the Face of Allah, and His Beauty and Perfection, and as our Lord wishes and as He pleases.

Its Merits:
Shaykh Ahmad ibn Idris wrote about the Istighfar al Kabir: “I sent it to one of the awliya-(Saints), so he wrote me a letter in which he said: ‘I read the istighfar that you sent me one time  and Allah forgave me allmy sins so that nothing of them remained.’ And this means that he knows that Allah forgave him, a real and true knowledge, otherwise how could he have said: ‘He forgave me’?

The salawat above of Shaykh Ahmad ibn Idris called "Istighfar al Kabir-The Magnificent Forgiveness" giving taught to him by Sayyid Al-Khidr and this happen Shaykh Ahmad ibn Idris, may Allah be pleased with him, had a meeting in the waking state, with the Prophet Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhi wa Alihi wa sallam, and al-Khidir, alayhi assalam. The Prophet said to al-Khidir: “Ya Khidir: teach him that which joins together all of the dhikrs, salawat, and prayers for forgiveness of sins, and is superior in reward, larger in number, more exalted in worth, and greater in obtaining assistance.”

Al-Khidir, alayhi assalam, said: “What is that, oh Prophet of Allah?” And so the Prophet, alayhi assalatu wassalam, taught him the Idrisi Tahlil, the Salaat Azeemiyya, and the Istighfar al-Kabir". 
Here i have only mentioned Istighfar al-Kabir as for the Idrisi Tahlil, the Salaat Azeemiyya i will mention that in another post with full commentary too, the above starts at the beginning asking Allahs Forgiveness and the salawat below known as salawat Uwais, Allah is sought for this forgiveness through the same line but it appears at the end of salawat Uwais.

Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoom used in salawat
Salawat with Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoom linked to Sayyidi Uwais Qarni:

Allaahumma Salli 'alaa Sayyidinaa Muhammadiun Wa Aalihee Wa'itratihee be 'Adadi Kulli Ma' loomillaka Astaghfirullaa Halladhi La ilaahaa illaa huwal Hayyul Qayyoomu Wa Atoobu ilaih. Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoom.
Meaning: Oh Allah, bestow Your Choicest Blessings upon our Master Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) and upon his extended family and his progeny according to the number of all things known to You. I seek the forgiveness of the One but for whom there is no God, The Truly and Perfectly Alive and The Self Sustained and I turn to Him with repentance. O The Truly and Perfectly Alive O The Self Sustained.

It is highly recommended that those who seek the love and closeness to the Beloved of Allah, Hadrat Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) make it mandatory upon themselves to recite this Durood Shareef according to their capacity and the time they have available. For instance at least 11 times after each Salat. It should be recited more frequently after Isha, Tahajjud and Fajr. 100, 300, 500 times or even more. Remember though, once the frequency is fixed, be steadfast upon it!Taken from - from Shaykh Hazrat Abu Anees Sufi Muhammad Barkat Ali.

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