07 November 2018

‘Faraid’ – Beneficiaries

Muslim inheritance law / ‘Faraid’ – Beneficiaries:

Male Beneficiaries:
  1. Son
  2. Father
  3. Grandfather (father’s father)
  4. Husband
  5. Brother
  6. Uncle (father’s brother)
  7. Son’s Son
  8. Consanguine Nephew
  9. Uncle (father’s consanguine brother)
  10. Male Cousin
  11. Consanguine Brother
  12. Consanguine Male Cousin
  13. Uterine Brother
  14. Nephew (Brother’s son)
Female Beneficiaries:
  1. Daughter
  2. Mother
  3. Mother’s Mother
  4. Father’s Mother
  5. Sister
  6. Consanguine Sister
  7. Son’s Daughter
  8. Uterine Sister
  9. Wife
‘Consanguine siblings’ are siblings with the same father but different mother.
‘Uterine siblings’ are siblings with the same mother but different father.

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