01 August 2018

Hot foods such as curry, chili, ginger, etc. let the body's cancer cells go to sleep more

In an international seminar, one of Dr. Dai, who is currently at the American Cancer Center, shared his findings on the growth kinetics of cancer cells with "Is Cancer Curable?" What is scared is metastasis.

Primary cancer does not kill the patient, and once the cancer cells metastasize, the wind and waves in other tissues and organs allow the patient to gradually (or quickly) die. But why do some patients with metastatic cancer have not continued to deteriorate?

Japan has dissected dozens of 90-103-year-olds who have no pain and naturally survived, and found that each of them has many cancer cells in their bodies. But why are their cancer cells not causing physical pain?

Dr. Dai and several cancer research scholars have found that cancer cells enter a "dormant period" after a period of activity, and they become active again after a period of sleep, making waves. The longer the "dormancy period," the longer the patient can live, without even fearful "transfer."

The medical community is now actively researching ways to delay the "dormant phase" of cancer cells, including the use of drugs and diet. "Effectively Preventing Cell Carcinogenesis," the paper mentions several natural products that can help cancer cells enter a "dormancy period" by controlling the pathway of signal transduction in cancer cells. 

The ingredients of the food, let the cancer cells in the body go to sleep more.

1. Curry (anti-cancer ingredient is curcumin)
2. Chili (anti-cancer ingredient is capsaicin)
3. Ginger (anti-cancer ingredient is curcumin)
4. Green tea (anti-cancer ingredient is catechin)
5. Soybean (anti-cancer ingredient is isoflavones)
6. Tomato (anticancer ingredient is lycopene)
7. Grape (anti-cancer ingredient is resveratrol)
8. Garlic (anti-cancer ingredients are sulfides)
9. Korean cabbage (anti-cancer ingredient is Indole 吲哚)
10. Cauliflower (anti-cancer ingredients are sulphides)

PS. * A pharmacist raises the following:

This article was passed to everyone for merit easy to understand.
Because of the recent medical longevity drugs
Contains the following four types:
Curcumin, Resveratrol, Silymarin, and Astragalus (four components), the first two of which appeared in the above text, mentioned above: Curcumin and Ginger have anti-cancer properties of "curcumin."
Look at the following [first, third, sixth, eight, nine items], it is terrible!

Wei Fu Department announced that the main cause of colorectal cancer comes from
Ten horror foods...


China News Magazine

Beware! Cancer is eaten.

1. hamburger fries + cola
2. Pork ribs rice + Zhen milk
3. Pot Sticker + Soy Milk
4. Roasted Italian pasta + pastry soup
5. Korean fried chicken + beer
6. Fried Rice + Meatball Soup
7. Ramen + Frost Cream
8. Braised Pork Rice + Fish Ball Soup
9. Braised beef noodles + sauerkraut
10. Fried meat round + Oden

Yuzhong Research Institute has worked hard for 8 years to complete the most detoxified food...

* Release date: June 20, 2018 *

1. Sweet potato
2. Mung bean
3. Oats
4. Coron
5. Xiaomi
6. Brown rice
7. Red Beans
8. Carrots
9. Yam
10. Burdock
11. Asparagus
12. Onions
13. Lotus root
14. White radish
15. Artemisia halodendron
16. Sweet potato leaves
17. Radish leaves
18. Chuanqi
19. Yogurt
20. Vinegar

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