06 August 2018

Activating the Acupressure Points to Combat Piles Pain

Activating the Acupressure Points to Combat Piles Pain

When you are treating a patient dealing with the pain by stimulating the acupressure points for piles, you need to be careful as it is an extremely sensitive problem to deal with.

One such point is Du Mai 4 point which is an effective way to get rid of pain. It can be considered as one of the best key points for the pain of piles.

The acupressure treatment should be administered to a patient under the guidance of the professional person who is really adept in his work.

Putting pressure on the wrong place can give you more pain instead of relief from pain.

Check out the following acupressure points for hemorrhoids and the symptoms that come with it, such asbleeding or irritation.

Activating the acupressure points for treating piles can enable fast recovery. Before you start with the treatment, you have to understand that you do not have to use all the points, just activating one or two points will do. Just start pressing on these points whenever you have some free time.

Acupressure Point UB57 — Cheng Shan

Locate it: It is located directly below the belly of muscle gastrocnemius.
Chief Benefits:gives relief from the following:hemorrhoids,varicose veins, cramps in the legs,constipation,leg pains,nagging calf muscles, poor circulation in the legs, low back pain.

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Acupressure Point UB60 — Kun Lun

Locate it: This point is located in the depression between the external malleolus and tendon
Chief Benefits: This point provides great relief from sciatica, lower back pain,radiculitis,headache, numbness, neck rigidity,backache, blurred vision, fever, pain in the heel, epilepsy, and nosebleed.

Acupressure Point SP6 — San Yin Jiao

Locate it: The point is located on the inside surface of the leg which is at least four fingers-width above the inner anklebone.
Benefits: This balancing point has a host of benefits which starts from hemorrhoids of course, along with loose stools, abdominal distention, irregular menstruation, chronic fatigue, uterine bleeding, amenorrhea, clinical depression, immune deficiency disorders, impotency, low sperm, sterility in men and women, treats hormonal imbalance, low sexual desire in men and women, warts, pain in the external genitalia, varicose veins, insomnia, PMS, hot flashes, side effects of radiation and chemotherapy in cancer patients and cold limbs.

Image result for acupuncture point sp 6

Acupressure Point SP8 — Di Ji

Locate it: It is located 3 body inches below sp 9, on the medial border of the tibia.
Chief Benefits: This point, besides treating dysentery,also works on anorexia, bulimia, neurotic vomiting, abdominal distention, severe uterine bleeding, severe uterine cramps, impotence post part um hemorrhage, abdominal pain,edema, difficulty in urination, diarrhea and the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy.

Acupressure Point LU9 — Tai Yuan

Locate it: at the radial side of the wrist crease.

Chief benefits: Besides treating hemorrhoids, it treats a migraine, cough, poor circulation, arterial sclerosis, headache, neck rigidity, asthma, a blood disorder, sore throat, facial paralysis, toothache, pain and weakness of the wrist.

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Acupressure Point LI2 — Er Jian

Locate it: It is located on the radial side of the index finger, distal to the metacarpophalangeal
Chief Benefits: Besides treating hemorrhoids;a toothache, nose bleed, blurred vision, sore throat, pain in the lower abdomen.

Before undergoing a massage, it is important to drink copious amounts of warm water, this helps to get rid of the toxic substances in our body.

But of course, you need to consult with an expert healthcare professional before beginning with acupressure or attempting to start any kind of diet, exercise, Chinese herbs or other supplements, to know whether they will suit your health or body.

Acupuncture to treat Piles

Acupuncture is an all-natural alternative medicine therapy which has its roots in ancient China.

It uses mostly needles to treat pain and nausea by inserting needles into the skin. The points where these needles are inserted are known as acupuncture points.

Though people feel that acupuncture can be administered just by inserting needles, simply placing needles is no way to administer acupuncture; these needles have to be manipulated in a specific way to provide relief from pain.

Acupuncture needles are usually made from stainless steel wire. When you use them repeatedly, they have to be sterilized before each use.

Acupuncture Points

Acupuncture points are located all along the meridians of the body. What are meridians? They are the channels through which qi flows. In traditional Chinese medicine,the flow of qi is responsible for normal functioning of the body.

Acupuncturists believe that when the natural flow of qi is blocked at any point of the meridian, then your health will act up, and proper function is disrupted.

However, acupuncture points can be located outside of the meridians. That acupuncture points found outside of the meridian are known as extraordinary points.

The third group of acupuncture points have no fixed locations and can be activated to treat chronic pain.

Currently, there are over 670 identified acupuncture points which have been identified. However, with the inclusion of the ear as a body part for delivering acupuncture relief, this number has since risen up.

The treatment protocol of acupuncture is hinged on the fact that acupuncture provides relief from pain from one part of the body by stimulating another part of the body.

The basic foundation of acupuncture is also based on the belief that different parts of the body are linked together via certain meridians.

So, if you unblock a meridian from an acupuncture point, it produces a desirable effect on another part of the body which is located far apart on a different part of the body.

Acupuncture can also be called zone therapy, as the body has been divided into different zones. Specific points in the zone are identified by an alphanumeric code, this code acts as a guide for all acupuncturists to carry out their treatment procedures.

If you have been suffering from piles, consider a natural and holistic solution like acupressure, to get substantial relief from the enduring and painful problem

Credit: http://www.modernreflexology.com/treat-piles-with-acupressure/


  1. Nice article and information about activating the acupressure points to combat Piles Pain. Before I start my session in acupuncture in miami I did some research some acupressure points and yes, I agree with you that its very effective way to get rid of pain. By the way, thank you for sharing this.

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