06 June 2018

The Best 5 Real Life Inspirational Stories!

5. The story of Panyee FC

This five minute short film tells the true story of how Koh Panyee, Thailand, built their own floating football field in 1986, and established one of the best football teams in the country.

4. The story of Bethany Hamilton

One of the most heart touching inspirational stories is the story of Bethany Hamilton. At the age of 13, surfing prodigy and Hawaii native Bethany Hamilton lost her entire left arm after being attacked by a tiger shark just off the coast of Kauai. But while most would give up on their dreams, Bethany didn’t give up on her dream of becoming a professional surfer, she was back in the water and back on her board less than a month later after the incident.
Now that’s called perseverance. Today, Hamilton is 23 years old and, yes, she is a  pro surfer.

3. The story of a chef who dedicated his life to feeding the homeless

Narayanan Krishnan, all of 29 years old now, does what he was  professionally trained to do as a chef. Feed people. Only Krishnan does  not do this in the swanky confines of a 5-star hotel. Every day, he  wakes up at 4 am, cooks a simple hot meal and then, along with his team,  loads it in a van and travels about 200 km feeding the homeless in  Madurai, Tamil Nadu. 
Krishnan feeds, often with his hands,  almost 400 destitute people every day. And for those who need it, he  provides a free haircut too. He was selected as one of the Top 10 in “CNN heroes 2010” list.
According to CNN, 8 years ago, this award-winning chef with a  five-star hotel chain was all set to go to Switzerland for a  high-profile posting. On a visit to a Madurai temple, he came across a  homeless, old man eating his own human waste. That stark sight changed  Krishnan’s life. 
Much to the dismay of his parents, CNN says,  Krishnan abandoned his career plans and decided to spend his life and  his professional training in looking after those who could not care for  themselves. He has provided more than 1.2 million hot meals through his  nonprofit organisation Akshaya Trust, and now hopes to extend this to  shelter for the homeless too.” Excerpt from an article dated October 20, 2010.
Source: quora.com

2. The Story of Dereck Redmond

At the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, In the middle of the semi-final race the dreams of one of the sprinters – Dereck Redmon for  an Olympic medal got crushed by a debilitating hamstring injury, but while most athletes would just give up and submit to defeat, bend over and cry, Dereck was determined to cross the finish line, to finish what he started. So he picked himself up off the ground and started hobbling towards the finish lane. Then, just when it seems he might not be able to continue because of the pain, Redmond’s dad forces his way onto the track and puts his arm around his son, who cries on his shoulder as the two finish the race together.

1. The story of  Terry Fox

He is one of the most famous athletes in Canadian history (not a hockey player). And that fact is quite a prove of what he achieved.
After Terry  lost his right leg to cancer in 1977 he decided that, if he was going to go on living, he was going to change something, that he was going to make a difference. So in 1980, he began the  Marathon of Hope—He would run 26 miles per day, his goal was  to try to raise money and awareness for cancer research by running all the way across Canada. After 143 and 3,339 miles his cancer spread to his lungs so he had to quit his Marathon of Hope – but not before he became a national hero whose name is as well-known as Wayne Gretzky, he managed to inspire an entire country. Definitely one of the best inspirational stories ever.

Credit: motivationgrid

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