24 November 2011

Buasir / Piles - Cara Mencegah / Merawat

What The Chinese Can Teach Us About Bleeding Piles Treatment
Hemorrhoids piles ruining your life? If you are afraid to even laugh out loud or have to hold your sneezing to avoid rupturing your bleeding piles, it’s time to fight back. If you’ve done everything you know to alleviate hemorrhoids piles, check out what 2000 years of Chinese medicine can teach you:
Hemorrhoids Soup, Anyone?
The Chinese have long consume soups made from figs, or “mou far kuo”. It is rather easy to make – just boil the figs with chicken and some salt. Beats popping pills any time. I remembered drinking this as a kid but I never knew its amazing benefit till now.
Squat When Defecating
Ancient Chinese squat when doing their business. With the invention of the water closet, modern people get to sit while defecating, but this position is not optimum for its purpose because it actually compressed the anal passageway.
Supercharged Cold Compresed
The next time you do your cold compress, add in some dandelion, wu bei zi shan and jiu hua gao. Don’t worry if you don’t know what it means (I don’t), you can get these ingredients at your local Chinese medicine hall.
Must-Eat Super Fiber
Okay, this may not be a Chinese medicine, but my singseh (alternative medicine practitioner) uncle insist that I must eat this in order to get soft stools – blond psyllium husks. It’s really works.
Anus Kungfu
If you are a woman, you’ve probably heard of “Kegel” exercise to strengthen the vaginal muscle. Well, it turns out that you can also so a similar anal exercise to strengthen the anus muscle. It works the same way.
Just tighten the anal muscle as if you’re trying to hold back a toilet visit, then release. Do this repeatedly for several sets of 10 when you working, commuting or watching tv – no one’s going to notice.

So, What’s The Best Bleeding Piles Treatments?
2 months ago, I was so desperate to cure my hemorrhoids piles that have dropped out of my body. Well, there are a few methods of bleeding piles treatments, and they work in several ways.
It is important for you to distinguish what each of them can do for your bleeding piles problem, so you will know what work best for your situation. You may use them together if necessary. Here are your options for treating hemorrhoids piles:
Option #1 : Relaxant Cream
The first and a very popular method is to apply a topical cream that soothes and relaxes the rectum. When relaxed, the hemorrhoids do not bulge out so much and this is how it can alleviate your pain and discomfort.
Option #2 : Lubricating Suppositories
The next option also provide relief by gradually releasing lubrication to the rectum through a suppository inserted into the rectum. What this does is reducing the pressure to the rectum as well as the hemorrhoids so it can heal with less chance of rupturing.
Option #3 : Oral Reinforcement
Your third option is to take a pill that reinforces your vein, and reduce the blood pressure to prevent hemorrhoids piles from happening, or getting from bad to worse. Among the three, this method is the only one that remediate the root of the problem. Most pharmacies like to recommend this, but make sure you consider the various side effects before proceeding.
After you’ve exhausted this three option, there are not much you can do but to go for cyrotherapy or surgery. The thing is, if you look at these options, they are not really options that make your hemorrhoids go away permanently, and safely so.
The best bleeding piles treatment has got to be natural, using an inside out approach with long term but rapid results. Would you be surprised that this kind of treatment do exist? They do, and they re cheap. When I discovered this method, I was furious that I wasn’t told about it by my doctor.

How Bleeding Piles Happen & What Causes It?
Being down with bleeding piles is uncommon for someone my age. I used to think that I must be the most unlucky guy to get this “old man” disease.
Looking back, I’ve got only myself to blame. Between rushing deadline and working late nights, I have taken the shortcuts to life – and this is precisely why I get hemorrhoids piles.
Fast Food / Microwaveable Meals
Yes, they are ready in a snap, and you can get them in the middle of the night, but fast foods and microwaveable meals are processed food. Processed food contains virtually no fiber, the very think that aids your digestion as well as passing motion.
Constant constipation? Don’t be surprised if this lead to blood on the toilet paper. These are the first signs of hemorrhoids piles.
Give this some thoughts – processed food creates hard stool. If you are suffering from bleeding piles, you know that this means a lot of pain. Please avoid excessive sugar and processed foods if you don’t want to get hemorrhoids.
Couch Potato / Computer Geek Lifestyle
If you are a couch potato, chances are you are eating a lot of processed junk food. However, the real problem begins when you sit too much. Constant sitting (whether you are at work or in front of the tv) creates additional pressure to the lower body.
The same concept applies for pregnant women. With added pressure, the vein in the lower rectum region will be vulnerable to inflammation. Then, before you know it, you see blood in the stool. This is how bleeding piles come about.
Taking The Easy Bleeding Piles Treatment With Topical Creams
Who wouldn’t want to apply some cream and watch hemorrhoids piles disappear? I was a sucker for this quick fix myself, but this method will actually worsen your bleeding piles problem, because then you will not search for another methods that heal hemorrhoids piles from its root.
What hemorrhoids cream usually does is to make you feel relieved and experience less pain. In actuality, they do nothing to solve the cause of your bleeding piles issue.

Bleeding Piles Treatment – Various Quick Fixes To Alleviate Your Pain

Relax in a bath tub filled with warm water.
Do not sit for more than 1 hour at one time. Take a walk or lie down if possible to give your body a break.
Wash the affected area with soothing witch hazel, that act as an astringent
Lubricate the rectum using a cotton swab dipped in harmless petroleum jelly.
Increase fluid and fiber consumption – the two things that give you that craved soft stools.
Eat unprocessed food – simple fresh vege and meat, not anything that comes out of a box.
Take antioxidant of you want to ease inflammation. Red foods such as grapes, pitaya fruit and berries are loaded with it.
Cold compress – use a cloth submerged into ice water and squeezed onto the affected area. Repeat the process a couple of times when the cloth reaches body temperature to soothe the inflammation.
Change to soft toilet paper. Avoid using rough ones that can worsen the situation. Use baby wipes after tissue to throughly clean the area, as well as soothing it at the same time.
Avoid any kind of exercises that require you to strain (most workouts do). You may want to avoid the gym until your hemorrhiods piles recovers.

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